ITP-Colombia: Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response Using the PTWC Enhanced Products for National Tsunami Threat Decision-Making

05 - 09 October 2015,

Bogota, ,


1 Day 1: Monday, October 5, 2015
1.1 Opening Ceremonies
1.2 Logistics and Administrative Items, Introductions
1.3 PTWS video: Tsunami Warning
1.4 Course Overview, Introductions
2 Part 2
2.1 ICG/PTWS-XXVI and ICG/CARIBE-EWS-X Outcomes, specifically for Colombia
2.2 Tsunami Warning Center SOPs: What do Tsunami Warning Centers (TWCs) provide to Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) agencies? Role of Tsunami Warning Focal Point
2.3 Tsunami Warning Center SOPs: What do Tsunami Warning Centers (TWCs) provide to Tsunami Emergency Response (TER) agencies? Role of Tsunami Warning Focal Point
2.4 Colombia Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response (TWER) SOPs using PTWC Enhanced Products
2.5 Ecuador and Cuba TWER SOPs using PTWC Enhanced Products (15 min / country)
3 PTWC Enhanced Products, 16 September 2015 Chile Tsunami
3.1 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) New Enhanced Products - Overview - What, Why, Criteria, Formats
3.2 Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) New Enhanced Products - Staging
3.3 PTWC Enhanced Products - Staging and Explanation of Each Product: Text, Forecast Polygon Map, Graphical Deep-Ocean Energy, Coastal Forecast, Forecast Tables, KMZ file
3.4 16 September 2015, M8.3 Tsunami – PTWS and PTWC summary
3.5 16 September 2015, M8.3 Tsunami SOPs – status, gaps, needs
4 Day 2: Tuesday, October 6, 2015
4.1 Pacific and Caribbean Regional Tectonics and Seismicity, and Earthquake Hazard
4.2 Science of Earthquakes for Tsunami Warning
4.3 PTWC Operations overview
4.4 TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization – Methods to determine Magnitude and Fault Mechanism (W-Phase CMT)
4.5 TWC Operations: Real-time Earthquake Detection and Fast Source Characterization – Limitations and Challenges
4.6 Science of Tsunamis for Tsunami Warning
4.7 Historical Tsunamis Affecting the Region, and Tsunami Hazard
4.8 TWC Operations: Sea Level Monitoring - Methods, Instruments, Limitations, Challenges
4.9 Demonstration: Decision Support Tools of Monitoring, Detection, Assessment – Earthquakes: Real-time Earthquake Display (CISN), USGS web site (CMT, ShakeMap, PAGER)
4.10 Demonstration: Decision Support Tools of Monitoring, Detection, Assessment – Tsunami: Sea Level Monitoring (IOC web site, TideTool with Tsunami Travel Times), RIFT Tsunami Scenarios
4.11 TWC Operations: Travel Time Forecasting - Methods, Limitations, Uncertainty, Sensitivity Studies (Location, Depth, Magnitude)
4.12 TWC Operations: Wave Amplitude Forecasting – Developing real-time capabilities to address local and distant scenarios
4.13 TWC Operations: Wave Amplitude Forecasting – Methods, Limitations, Uncertainty, Sensitivity Studies (Location, Depth, Magnitude)
5 Day 4: Thursday, October 8, 2015
5.1 TER SOPs: Overview of Stakeholder Roles and Coordination, Event Operations, Timelines, Checklists, Examples
5.2 TWC and TER SOPs for PTWC Enhanced Products: Guidance, Flow Charts, Criteria Tables, Timeline-driven SOP, Message Templates. Warning (EQ Magnitude and Forecast thresholds), Evacuation (Land and Marine Threats and Public Safety)
5.3 What do TERs do with TWC information? Limitations and Challenges in Alerting, Evacuation, and Safe-to-Return (All- Clear)
5.4 Activity: Improving Response – What Happens When? Reliable and Unreliable Information
5.5 Discussion: Colombia TWER - status, gaps, needs
5.6 Building Awareness & Community Preparedness - strategies and examples
5.7 Building Awareness & Community Preparedness - Tsunami Evacuation Maps
5.8 Building Awareness & Community Preparedness - Tsunami Exercises, PacWave, CaribeWave, TsunamiReady
6 Day 5: Friday, October 9, 2015
6.1 Tsunami Hazard Scenarios around the Pacific
6.2 Tsunami Hazard Scenarios around the Caribbean
6.3 ITP-Colombia Tsunami Exercises - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Introduction, Format, Conduct
6.4 Tsunami Exercise - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Local or Regional Caribbean Scenario
6.5 Tsunami Exercise - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Distant Caribbean Scenario
6.6 Tsunami Exercise - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Distant Pacific Scenarios
6.7 Tsunami Exercise - Decision-making using PTWC Enhanced Products - Local or Regional Pacific Scenario
6.8 PTWC Enhanced Products - Question and Answer
6.9 Final Discussion: Colombia and South America Readiness and Next Steps
7 Certificates and Closing Ceremonies