Event: 5th Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Biological and Chemical Data Management and Exchange Practices (650)
Date: 2011-Jan-17 to 2011-Jan-20

Long-Term Member

Dr. Hernan GARCIA (707)
Oceanographer, head WDS Oceanography
NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
NOAA NESDIS National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 United States

Dr Humberto GONZÁLEZ (15376)
Marine Biology
Universidad Austral de Chile
Valdivia Valdivia Chile

Mary KENNEDY (13557)
Aquatic science biologist (retired)
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Celtic Drive Dartmouth NS B2Y 3G5 Canada

Dr. Sergey KONOVALOV (12859)
Director General
Administration and Marine Biogeochemistry
Marine Hydrophysical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
2, Kapitanskaya Str. Sevastopol Crimea 299011 Russia

Alexander KUZNETSOV (13558)
Head of Department
Information Centre
All-Russian Research Institute Hydrometeorological Information - World Data Center, Obninsk
6, Korolev St.,Obninsk, Obninsk Kaluga region 249035 Russia

Dr Gwenaelle MONCOIFFE (13556)
Marine Data Scientist and Vocabulary Management Group Lead
British Oceanographic Data Centre
Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street Liverpool L3 5DA United Kingdom

Invited Expert

Cynthia CHANDLER (14992)
Informatics Specialist
Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WHOI MS 36 Woods Hole, MA 02543 United States

Mr. Klaas DENEUDT (15571)
Head Marine Observation Center
Marine Observation Center
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
Flanders Marine Institute
InnovOcean Campus Jacobsenstraat 1 8400 Oostende Belgium

Mr. Anton ELLENBROEK (19884)
FAO Fisheries Officer
FI - 309
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, Headquarters
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Roma Italy

Francisco HERNANDEZ (7490)
Manager Datacentre
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee
Flanders Marine Institute
InnovOcean Campus Jacobsenstraat 1 8400 Oostende Belgium

Mr. Alex KOZYR (12880)
Oceanographic Data Analyst
CDIAC, Environmental Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryU.S. Department of Energy, Building 4500N, Mail Stop 6290 Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6290 United States

Dr Stéphane PESANT (13522)
Research Scientist
University Bremen, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
28359 Bremen Germany

Ms. Kseniia SKURATOVA (17179)
Laboratory of Marine Information Systems
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, O. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas
2 Nakhimova Av. Sevastopol 99011 Ukraine

MS Anders WINDELIN (15547)
Academic Associate
Department of Marine Ecology


Mr. Peter PISSIERSSENS (6552)
Head, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium and IOC capacity development coordinator
UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE
InnovOcean Campus Jacobsenstraat 1 8400 Oostende Belgium

Dr Edward VANDEN BERGHE (7465)
Rutgers State University of New Jersey
71 Dudley Road New Brunswick, New Jersey NJ 08901-8525 United States